We are an integrated logistics solutions company operating wirh four services: waterway transport, operation of terminals, cabotage and integration of logistics services. Our goal is to help to connect the South American continent in an efficient, innovative and sustainable way.
Operamos hoje em 4 rotas logísticas estratégicas: Corredor Norte, Corredor Sul, Cabotagem e Operação de Santos.
“Consolidamos um portfólio diversificado, contribuindo para uma maior conexão do continente sul- americano.”
Owns assets
Atuamos em4rotas logísticas estratégicas
Our story
Hidrovias do Brasil S.A. is born as an innovative logistics project for integrating South America.

Opened the first office outside Brazil, in Paraguay.

Hidrovias do Brasil closes the first contract for iron ore with a 25-year term.

The first grain contract for the Northern Corridor is signed.

Grain operations began in the Southern Corridor

Operations began in the Northern Corridor
Acquisition of coastal shipping operation.

Fertilizer and Coastal Shipping operations began.

Issued debt securities (bonds) in the international market, totaling US$ 600 million.

25-year concession for the Port of Santos Terminal, intended for handling fertilizers and salt.

The Company’s IPO, including listing on the B3 Novo Mercado segment.

Expanded operations in the Southern System.
Partial repurchase of debt securities issued in 2018 and issuance of a new security on the international market (Bonds) totaling US$ 500 million.

Conclusão da reforma e retomada da Operação de Santos

Início da mudança societária

Ultrapar como novo acionista de referência

To provide quality services, using the waterway modal and always prioritizing sustainable development and ethics.
Ser o best integrated logistics operator in South America.
Honesty, integrity and transparency;
Value generation for shareholders and customers;
Excellence in operational safety;
Environmental and community responsibility;
Valuing the team and the internal environment.
Development, Innovation and Integration
Acreditamos no potencial de aproveitamento logístico do modal hidroviário para transportar grandes volumes por grandes distâncias na América do Sul. Por meio de uma atuação eficiente e focada na segurança operacional, atendemos clientes de diversos segmentos, como commodities agrícolas, fertilizantes, sal, minérios e celulose.
Nosso negócio é sólido, pautado pela excelência operacional. Check here our Integrated Management System (SGI) Policy.

Corporate Governance
Hidrovias do Brasil is one of the companies listed in the Novo Mercado segment of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) and has the highest corporate governance levels.
Code of Ethics
Our decisions, and the way we act and decide are guided by our Code of Ethics.
Click hereSistema de Gestão Integrado
Contamos com um Sistema de Gestão Integrado (SGI) para garantir a excelência em nossa atuação! Acesse abaixo a nossa política.
Click hereCorporate Governance
All our Corporate Governance information can be found on our Investor Relations website
Click here