we contribute with our colleagues for better deliveries, fostering collaboration and team spirit, strengthening relationships
Hidrovias do Brasil is always evolving, we are driven by challenges and always seek to do better. Discover the Hidrovias Way and find out why this is the best option for your career development.
If you want to come on board with us, click here and check out the open opportunities.
we contribute with our colleagues for better deliveries, fostering collaboration and team spirit, strengthening relationships
We drive the company's growth by developing people
We value sustainability by protecting today to be able to secure for tomorrow
We make deliveries that generate impact and value for the company and its stakeholders
We contribute with new ideas and improvements in a simple and agile manner
We inspire people to go beyond - together
We fulfill what is agreed to - the right way
We deliver with excellence, ensuring people's safety
"Sou grata por trabalhar em uma empresa que preza pela integridade, transparência e honestidade, que exerce um serviço de qualidade, se preocupa com a segurança e bem-estar dos seus colaboradores. Em três anos de Hidrovias tive a oportunidade de me desenvolver e crescer profissionalmente. Sinto orgulho de fazer parte desse time!"
"Iniciei minha carreira, na Hidrovias, em 2018, e desde sempre admirei o jeito de trabalhar, e o quão receptivo foram os meus colegas de trabalho. Aqui, tenho total autonomia para trabalhar e encarar os desafios junto com toda a equipe. O comprometimento do nosso time, garante que as nossas entregas sejam feitas com qualidade e segurança. Me orgulho de fazer parte da Hidrovias do Brasil!"
“I am very proud to be part of this team that moves Brazil's economy. Hidrovias is one of the country’s largest logistics companies, it generates jobs in several areas, enabling the development of its employees.”
“Since I started my journey at HBSA, everything has been an adventure: the company is very dynamic, with many opportunities for learning and professional and personal growth. The company is not afraid to take risks and work hard to find solutions and is always seeking to modernize.”